Shawntel Newton
The Bachelor 15 contestant Shawntel Newton is a 25-year-old funeral director from Chico, California. Yes, you read that right: FUNERAL DIRECTOR! Shawntel is also working towards getting her embalming license so she will be the full mortician monty! You can find about all about Shawntel and her family funeral business in our Bachelor File on her, which includes extra photos and videos of Shawntel at work!
Here’s a brief but fun Q&A with Shawntel from ABC:
If you could be someone else for just one day, who would it be and why?
A Pathologist. I’ve always thought that would be an interesting job.
Tattoo Count:
One on my neck, one on my back, one on my hip and one on my wrist.
What kind of music do you listen to most often?
Country and Reggae
What is your favorite all-time book and why?
Eat, Pray, Love. So inspiring.
Who is your favorite author?
Sarah Wise. Charles Dickens.
If you wanted to approach a man you had never met before, how would you go about it?
Introduce myself and just start talking. I’m very open with myself and love to talk!
Check out all the other women competing for the heart and hand of Brad Womack in The Bachelor 2011! (Just click on the thumbnails and hop from woman to woman just like Brad gets to do!)