Sarah Powell
The Bachelor 15 contestant Sarah Powell is a 27-year-old real estate broker from Denver, Colorado. She is reportedly the woman Brad gets down on his knees for during her introduction/limo scene.
Here’s a brief but fun Q&A with Sarah Powell from ABC:
If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you bring and why?
My Mom — I could never get sick of her
Wine — this would make us laugh a lot
Cheese — want some cheese with that wine
Tattoo Count:
A heart on the back of my neck and a shamrock in a private area.
I love it when my date…
Makes me laugh and compliments me. Basically putting a smile on my face.
What is your worst date memory?
Went on a blind date, double date with parents (got set up by mom), and him leaving me at the end to go play with his dog!
Tell us something we didn’t ask:
I have been raising my nephew with my sister for the past two years. It’s my turn and I’m ready to find love and build a family of my own.
Check out all the other women competing for the heart and hand of Brad Womack in The Bachelor 2011! (Just click on the thumbnails and hop from woman to woman just like Brad gets to do!)