90 Day Fiance Paola Mayfield filmed music videos for KOMPA & Hoy Se Bebe

Paola Mayfield music video

On Sunday night’s episode of 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After viewers got to see Paola and Russ Mayfield discussing the possibility of her shooting a music video. Russ is a little wary given that the producers approached Paola via social media, plus he will not be able to go with her because of his new job, so he is concerned she might allow things to get a little too risque.

Eventually, Russ gives in, but draws a hard line in the sand by insisting that Paola not wear lingerie. “Lingerie is meant for the bedroom,” Russ explains. “Lingerie is also meant for one eye only, and that’s me.”

Here’s the clip:

TLC had a little fun with viewers with a tease (in more ways than one) of the next episode in which Paola is seen wearing a couple of looks that clearly appear to be intimate apparel. Here’s that teaser:

I did a little online research and it appears that Paola actually filmed two music videos right around March and April of this year. Here is the first to be released, which is for the song “Let’s Do The KOMPA” by J-Creole Featuring KG Jay:

As you can see in the video, Paola seemed to abide by Russ’s condition, which didn’t say anything about wearing revealing swimwear — even if it was in bed. Check out these photos and videos of Paola doing the Kompa, including some from behind (the scenes):

Pao Mayfield music video

90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After Paola music video

Paola Mayfield Kompa music video scene lingerie

Paola Mayfield Kompa sexy music video photo

You don’t have to be a very astute observer to pick up on the fact that this music video clearly wasn’t shot in New Jersey (or New Yersey) as Paola stated on the show. It’s also not a reggaeton song either. That’s because the reggaeton music video she shot in New Jersey was for the song “Hoy Se Bebe” by King Heric. Unfortunately, that music video has not been released yet, so we do not know if Paola actually wore the lingerie from the clip above in the video.

We do have some behind-the-scenes photos however!

DOPE BTS picture from my latest music video as DP for @tonioskits featuring TLC crew ! And some major feature actors !

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Although we don’t have the music video for “Hoy Se Bebe” yet, we do have the song itself. So you can click play and just imagine Paola looking damn fine:

King Heric has been talking about the music video being featured on the show on social media this week, so my guess is that they were waiting to release it until the music video scenes were aired on TLC — which should be this Sunday. I will try to keep an eye out, and if the music video drops between now and Sunday night I will add it at the bottom of this post.

Meanwhile, in case you missed it, Paola hasn’t had a lot of time for making sexy music videos of late because she was going through the process of being certified as a personal trainer — which she recently completed! My guess is that this Colombiantrepreneur will be using some of her newfound video production connections to release her own video fitness program — totally not in lingerie of course.

UPDATE – Well, Paola DEFINITELY went against Russ’s wishes! Fox News posted a preview clip for Sunday’s episode in which Paola literally gets sick after agreeing to wear lingerie in the video. Here’s a screen cap of her racy lacy look:

Paola Mayfield lingerie music video

UPDATE – Still no music video, but here is Paola in another eye-popping look!

UPDATE – FINALLY! here is the music video for “Hoy Se Bebe” starring Paoloa Mayfield!

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