Nude Lady Gaga becomes ‘Patron Saint of the Gulf’

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Visual artists across the globe have become enamored, like the rest of us, with Lady Gaga,  the unquestioned current pop bellwether for envelope pushing.  In an extreme case of Gaga-gone-wild, sculptor Daniel Edwards has manufactured a hybrid of BP oil spill symbolism and nude Lady Gaga goddessness with a creation he calls “Patron Saint of the Gulf.”

In an official announcement made by the artist he states of his work that is classified as “Nude Lady Gaga As Saint Francis In Gulf Oil Spill Statue” that:

“Patron Saint of the Gulf,” which features Lady Gaga, is inspired by the blend of animal rights sentiment often displayed in the outlandish fashion worn by the illustrious performer, and the flagrancy of the BP oil spill crisis in the Gulf of Mexico.  Lady Gaga, with the British Petroleum corporate logo at her feet, is depicted as a nude modern-day Saint Francis of Assisi as she embraces ailing octopi limply draping her outstretched arms, while gently caressing a pair of irate-looking frogs.  Tangled in her trademark hair-bow is a globule-covered pelican struggling to fly away and saturated in BP crude oil collected by Edwards during his visit to the Louisiana Gulf.

Wow, that piece of art work is actually covered in BP gook!  I’ve got to give credit to Edwards in regards to dedication to his craft.  It took a lot of “tar balls” to actually use some of the infamous spillage in his work.  Edward’s publicist Cory Allen says of the Saint Francis shout out that:

“The comparisons between Lady Gaga and Saint Francis can be uncanny.  Lady Gaga is often seen depicted with animal imagery, much like Saint Francis, the son of a wealthy fashion merchant, who was also known for his fondness of flamboyant apparel.  We’d like to send another version of the sculpture to BP America headquarters in Houston as a trophy to assist them in dressing up their hall of shame”

Lady Gaga is our Saint Francis!  If you’re interested in finding out more about our naked lady of the Gaga I encourage you to check out Daniel Edward’s official Facebook page here where additional high resolution images of the statue can be found.  Here’s one more look at Gaga as defender of seagulls and such:

Photos: Daniel Edwards Facebook

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