Weinstein to fight “R” rating for Pat Tillman documentary

The Tillman Story a documentary about how professional football player turned ranger Pat Tillman’s family fought to uncover the truth about friendly fire in Afghanistan has just been tagged with an “R” rating by the Major Motion Picture Association of America.  Their reasoning for this rating is excessive language, most notably language used by Tillman’s family as they candidly discuss the vitriolic anger and disbelief of the government cover-up they faced in trying to find out how their beloved family member died.

This rating has set off a firestorm from the movie’s power distributor and major Hollywood player Harvey Weinstein.  Director Amir Bar Lev and producer John Battsek will appear today before the MPAA Classifications and Rating Administration board to plead their case.  All involved are impassioned by how important they feel it is for young people to see this film, to understand what can happen in today’s military.  Battsek, Bar Lev and Weinstein did not mince words in their alienation with the decison.


“Of course there is excessive language.  This is a film that follows a truly exemplary family torn apart by the death of their loved one and the barrage of government deceit they encountered in their pursuit of the honest truth. We should be looking at this film as a way to show our younger generation the power of true family values and the sometimes unfortunate failings of our government.”

Bar Lev:

“The language in this film is not gratuitous. I think this is how many people would react when faced with the unthinkable. Giving this film an ‘R’ rating prevents young people from seeing this film; the very people who should be exposed to a great American like Pat Tillman.”


“This is one of the most important films I’ve distributed in my career, and I want my teenage daughter and the nation’s young adults to be able to watch Pat’s story. We need to learn from this story, and limiting who can see it is not the answer.”

The Tillman Story is set to premiere next Friday on August 20th.  To provide a taste of the documentary here is a preview:

It is my opinion that this is an important story that should especially be available to youth who are considering a life in the military.  I hope the rating is lifted allowing for this to happen.