Was Lindsay Lohan’s mom Dina really a Rockette?


On the finale episode of her self-titled OWN reality show Lindsay Lohan talked about how she came from a showbiz family, citing her mom Dina Lohan’s time as a Radio City Music Hall Rockette and her grandmother’s contribution on the early days of radio. However, Dina’s showbiz career has been called into question multiple times. Was she really a Rockette?

In 2007 The New York Post called up Radio City to see if a Dina Lohan or Dina Sullivan (her maiden name) had ever worked there. “After an inquiry from The Post, a spokeswoman for Radio City called back to say an exhaustive search found no record of Dina Lohan, or Donata Sullivan (her maiden name), ever being a Rockette,” said The Post. “Execs at Cablevision, which owns Radio City, were said to be indignant anyone would claim to be a Rockette who wasn’t. ‘It’s like claiming to have a degree from Harvard when you don’t. It’s a big deal to be a Rockette,'” a source told them.

They found the only mention of Dina being a Rockette and in commercials in bios provided by her. A family source claimed that there is no mention of Dina’s supposed commercial work in official sources like SAG.“Look in SAG [the Screen Actors Guild]. Look in AFTRA [American Federation of Televison & Radio Artists]. Dina isn’t a member,” the family member said. “She never did a Broadway show. She never did ads.”

There also doesn’t seem to be any information as to whether Lindsay’s maternal grandmother Anne Sullivan worked in radio.

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