VIDEOS Kelly Clarkson announces she is pregnant on stage in LA

Kelly Clarkson pregnancy announcement on stage

Kelly Clarkson just shocked fans during her concert at the Staples Center in Los Angeles by breaking down in tears and announcing she is pregnant!

The big news came during Kelly performance of “Piece By Piece” when she broke off the song and tearfully told the crowd, “I was not planning on announcing this, but…I’m totally pregnant!” She then hopped around excitedly and laughingly said, “I am totally going to nail the sh!t outta this song! Give me one second.” She then added, “This is a hard song!”

A few seconds later Kelly confessed, “That was not how I wanted to announce that.”

Here are multiple videos of the announcement:

Kelly kept her sense of humor as she wiped tears from her eyes. “The makeup artists are backstage just hating me, but that’s fine,” she joked before picking back up in the second verse of “Piece of Me.”

After the song ended Kelly apologized and iterated that the announcement was not planned. “I just didn’t want you to think I was crazy. I just, honestly, I’m so hormonal today.” She laughs, then clarifies, “Nothing’s wrong! Everything is great, it’s just whirr-beep-bop-bong. Um, I haven’t vomited yet! That’s a frickin’ win, y’all!”

Here’s that video:

Kelly then gets back to being the consummate showwoman that she by kicking ass the rest of the show.

The new baby means that Kelly’s 14-month-old daughter River Rose Blackstock will have a big brother or sister! Congratulations to Kelly Clarkson and husband Brandon Blackstock!

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