VIDEO The break dancing seduction of Jennifer Aniston by Justin Theroux

Men have wondered for years now what the secret was to seducing Jennifer Aniston. Well her boyfriend and co-star of the film Wanderlust, Justin Theroux, may have revealed how he got it done… Break dancing!

Justin made an appearance on Ellen and revealed that Jennifer has been obsessed with his moves ever since she saw his fleet feet on the film Zoolander, where he appeared as an evil DJ. Apparently, Jennifer thought his breaking wasn’t bad and that while cutting a rug he’s really, really, really, really, ridiculously good looking.

Here’s the video that reveals the path to J.A.’s heart, and some cool kicks too:

Hey man, give me two weeks to warm up and I could throw down better than that! Anywho, it’s good to see that Aniston’s man can hold his own with Ellen and that he allows her some breathing room from the seemingly endless attention her ex Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie get…

Wait a second, my editors are telling me I have to embed the following video:

Man come on Brad! Sheeesh 🙂

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