VIDEO Paris Hilton arrested with pot in South Africa

Paris Hilton smoking pot

It’s been a while since Paris has made headlines, so she went and got herself arrested with a little bit o’ the wacky weed. The incident reportedly took place in Port Elizabeth, South Africa Friday after Paris left the FIFA World Cup match between Brazil and Netherlands.

According to an Associated Press report, two South African police officers revealed the hotel heiress’s identity under anonymity because they were not authorized to release her name until after her court appearance. The court appearance in question has since taken place in a special FIFA World Cup court around midnight local time.

What the heck is a “special FIFA World Cup court?” Is that where they hear cases of aggravated vuvuzela playing and drunken rioting? It sounds like a European sitcom to me.

Anyway, there aren’t too many details at this time. About all we know is what a police officer told the AP, once again anonymously: “She was found in possession of some amount of dagga,” he said, (dagga is the local term for Mary Jane or ganja or grass or weed or hash or…) “We don’t know how much. It’s a high profile person, only the top cops are dealing with it.”

This isn’t the first time Paris has gotten intimate with the wacky weed. Here are a few clips of Paris Hilton getting high from YouTube:

In addition to getting arrested and probably doing her part to combat the fight against the spread of sexually transmitted diseases on the continent, Paris was in Port Elizabeth cheering on the Brazilian team, who lost 2-1 in their semi-final match. OK Brazil, you have your scapegoat. Now, go get her!

UPDATE – Here’s another video report from Splash News:

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