VIDEO MTV’s live Farrah Abraham Facebook Q&A did not go well

Farrah Abraham Facebook interview video with no makeup

MTV continued its series of live Teen Mom OG Facebook fan Q&As today with the show’s most controversial star, Farrah Abraham. “Farrah is here to answer your questions! Leave them in the comments below,” the show’s official Facebook page announced.

As you might have guessed, the comments section was quickly overflowing with irate, profanity-laden comments and questions, most of which asked why Farrah is still on the show. That question seemed to be directed both at MTV and at Farrah, who got into a heated altercation with one of the show’s executive producers in the most recent episode, during which she made some very derogatory comments about Teen Mom.

Because of the tidal wave of negativity, Farrah did not (or has not yet) answered any questions in the comments section. Instead, she answered a couple questions on her own Facebook page, including an apparent makeup-free video addressing the most common query:

First Q&A live #mtv # teenmom #TeamFarrah

Posted by Farrah Abraham on Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Here is what Farrah says in the clip:

Hey everyone, it’s Farrah. First question is: “Why are you still on Teen Mom because of X, Y, Z? Farrah acts like this, Farrah says this.” All of that. I encourage you guys to watch the season finale — the Reunion with Dr. Drew. It answers all of that.

I know you guys just see an edited version. You don’t really get to see the whole conversation, and I’m not in charge of the rest. So please bear in mind with I don’t really take kindly to other people saying that I owe them things, whether it’s the show, or it’s producers; whether it’s this or whether it’s that. I very much, very much, am — I have my eye on the prize when it comes to promoting, when it comes to making something successful.

If you know me and you get to know me, you will know I always have everyone’s best interest at heart. And when I feel like I’m being treated badly, and I’m being taken advantage of, then yes, I’m going to voice some anger. I’m going to voice my frustrations, and I’m happy you guys get to see someone being real and not sucking up to everyone because that’s just not what — you’re not a, you’re not a wet blanket. You’re not a wet rug. So just be a boss and thank you guys for asking some good questions. And I would refrain from calling me names unless you like to be called names. Buh bye!


Farrah Abraham Teen Mom OG trashy show quote

In addition to the video, Farrah did answer a couple of questions in traditional text form, including another answer to the main question:

Q. Why am I on the show still regards to (why I say I don’t want to be on show etc)

A. Great question I know not everyone sees the full convo leading up to that point. Simply said I don’t take kindly to those around me acting like I need to thank them for my opportunities of doing this show. Realize God blesses us not people. Also remember while you judge me for saying one thing you all also do the same thing so do not contradict your selves ? but a lot to type so I’m done.

Q. I would never be so rude to people why are you so disrespectful?

A. Great question, since you can’t see fully what other people are doing to me I see why you think “I’m rude, I’m disrespectful” I can only say if I’m being treated properly I will give the same to others but I am one of the most respectable people you will ever meet and you would probably come around to say I’m not rude I’m honest. Change your mindset and train your self to see the positive then be corrupted by negative ????????


And, just in case you were curious, here are the Top 7 (not deleted) comments/questions, based on Facebook likes:

My question is why are you still on Teen Mom when you have said time and time again that you do not need this show or want to be on it? And you say that you don’t want Sophia being around drama and fighting, but yet you yell at your own Mother right in front of her to see and hear. A little hypocritical, don’t you think? (3,117 likes)

Seriously?? You don’t need to thank them for picking you out of many other teen girls. You would be NOTHING without them except some sk*nky knocked up ex cheerleader (2,345 likes)

Nobody owes you anything. You are disrespectful to your mother and father who are your greatest emotional support system, and all you do is spit in their faces. I feel bad for your mom, especially. Poor Debra. (1,768 likes)

Are you ever ashamed of your behavior? Do you fear your daughter will treat others the way she sees you treat people? (1,678 likes)

Why are you such a rude and disrespectful c**t? (1,668 likes)

When are you going to start treating people with respect? (1,481 likes)

Please don’t be in the next season.You suck (1,356 likes)

I am sure you will not answer any “negative” questions, problem is, that is all the public has based on your attitude. Here is mine…..ever consider being checked out for manic depression? the signs are all there. (1,211 likes)

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