VIDEO Kate Gosselin says kids want to get back on TV

Kate Gosselin at The Grove

Oh Jon and Kate how your stories entertain me. Recently some pretty sad pics surfaced of Jon Gosselin DJing at a middle school dance. Not to be out(un)done, Kate Gosselin appeared on Today yesterday morning to chat with Ann Curry. So what did the gals talk about you ask? The coupon blogger spoke of how much her kids miss being on reality TV!

“They really, honestly miss filming. They recently have been saying, ‘When are we going to go here or there?’ They miss the crew. So, with our TLC contract now over, we’re hoping to move forward and do more fun projects.”

Footage time.

Kate also talked about how things between herself and DJ Jonny Jonboy are as amicable as they’ve been in quite some time:

“I can honestly say it’s more peaceful than it’s ever been. He’s been really positive and more available and it’s just less stressful. I feel like he’s working with me, and the kids notice it—and that’s good because I’ve always wanted peace for them.”

Sooooo… We’ve got, as Kate put it, fans dying to see her kids on TV again, a cordial relationship now between mom and dad Gosselin and Kate outright stating that she wants to go in the TV direction. Does all of this add up to a possible return of Jon and Kate Plus 8?

Photo: Josiah True/

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