VIDEO FAIL Mark Zuckerberg as Mark Zuckerman

Principal Maria Ibarra calls Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg Mark Zuckerman

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was kind enough to provide a graduation speech for the 8th graders of Belle Haven Community School in Menlo Park, CA. He was his usually unexcitable self as he donned a t-shirt, jeans and sneakers and gave a pretty standard “follow your dreams” and “value your friends” type of talk. The theme was, “Eliminating the words, ‘I can’t.'”

This is all fine and dandy but what stands out sadly is the fact that the principal of the school, Maria Ibarra, in what had to unquestionably be her biggest professional moment messed up Mark’s name and you can see him visibly smile at the goof. Here’s the clip, with the FAIL coming in at around the 1:00 mark:

Ladies and gentlemen Mark Zuckerman!  What can you do when you’re faced with that kind of pressure right?  I probably would have goofed up to. Thanks to YouTube and, yes, Facebook at least these kids will remember their 8th grade grad ceremony.

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