Teen Mom’s Butch Baltierra hospitalized with pancreatitis

Teen Mom Tyler Baltierra's dad Darl Lynn "Butch" Baltierra

Some more bad news from the Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra camp – in addition to Tyler’s puppy Zues suffering from life-threatening Parvo his dad Butch has been taken to the hospital with pancreatitis.

From Catelynn Lowell’s Official Fanpage on Facebook:

[Yesterday] Butch isn’t feeling the greatest so keep him in your thoughts as well as Cate and Ty’s puppy with parvo

[Late last night] Bringing you a Butch update:
Butch has been admitted to the hospital for pancreatitis. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

According to Wikipedia:

Pancreatitis is the inflammation of the pancreas. It occurs when the enzymes that digest food are activated in the pancreas instead of the small intestine. Pancreatitis may be acute or chronic. Acute pancreatitis is very sudden and lasts for a few days while chronic pancreatitis occurs over many years. Chronic pancreatitis has multiple causes and painful symptoms. It also has many simple cures.

Let’s all hope it’s acute and treatable and Darl Lynn “Butch” Baltierra is back out mending fences – both literally and figuratively – soon!

UPDATE (7/24/11) – From Catelynn Lowell’s official Facebook fan page: “As of yesterday Butch is out of the hospital & fully recovered!!” The news isn’t as good for Tyler’s puppy: “Puppy Update :: Ty’s puppy, might not make it. He could pass away as early as today. Continue to keep them in your thoughts through this hard time. ♥”

On a purely speculative note, it’s possible Butch’s trip to the hospital could mean a reunion with his wife (and Catelynn’s mom) April! Since Butch was released from jail he is not allowed to be with April and while Butch remains in Michigan with Tyler and Catelynn, April has been staying in Ohio. But, Tyler tweeted a few hours ago: “At the michigan welcome center picking up my stepmom, hope zeus is getting better, hold on buddy.” So maybe she can visit him in the hospital? That would be great because forget what they say about laughter – love is the best medicine!

To keep up with all things Butch be sure to “like” his fan page on Facebook! It’s still in its infancy, but it’s growing fast) And don’t forget April’s fan page and the really well run page “Catelynn Lowell’s Official Fanpage!”

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