Teen Mom 3’s Mackenzie McKee shakes off crash with financial help


Late last month Teen Mom 3’s Mackenzie McKee drove her newly purchased Kia Sorento into a ditch while searching a back road for hubby Josh McKee who was said to be out doing a little hog hunting.

The good news was that her two children were not in the vehicle at the time of the accident and she was not seriously injured. The bad news was that she had failed to procure insurance and was on the hook for the damages to get her new ride repaired.

She Skyped TMZ and here’s what she had to say:

“It was Friday night [when she bought the Kia] and no one was open on the weekend so I thought, ‘I’ll go and get the insurance on Monday…’ Later that night [after her accident that Saturday] I checked my blood sugar and it was over 400 so I don’t know if I was just not driving good because of my blood sugar or I was mad at Josh… Don’t ever chase your husband because bad things happen.”

Mackenzie, who lives with Type 1 Diabetes, followed up on Twitter about her status and to address some of the negative feedback she received after the story broke:

McKee frequently promotes the brand 310 Nutrition’s shakes and juices as part of her ongoing video workout posts on YouTube chronicling her quest to become a fitness competitor. According to a source with TMZ, she’s apparently pretty good at it because when the company caught wind of what happened they “stepped up with $10,500 she needed to fix her ride” with “no strings attached.”

Mackenzie revealed on Monday that she will be competing in her first NPC bikini competition in August.

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