Teen Mom 2’s Kailyn Lowry’s wedding registry drama, big day details

Teen Mom Kailyn Lowry Javi Marroquin and her son Isaac
Teen Mom 2‘s Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin officially tied the knot in a courthouse ceremony last year. In the time since then, the couple has saved up and planned for a formal wedding bash with their friends and family. Coordinating such a big event is both exciting and stressful — but it seems Kailyn’s public status isn’t making the process any easier.

Shortly after Kailyn tweeted about creating a wedding registry at Bed, Bath & Beyond, a woman from Georgia supposedly created another registry under Kailyn and Javi’s names in the hopes extravagant gifts from caring fans would be sent to her.

“I want to put the girl’s email that created the fake registry under Javi’s name & mine so bad. But, Crystal Perez… You know who you are,” Kailyn tweeted yesterday. “Put hundreds on things on ‘our’ registry and then had the address to your house in GA and didn’t think we’d find out. CRAZY PEOPLE.”

One of Kailyn’s friends told us the Teen Mom 2 star found out about the fake wish list when she and Javi searched for their online registry and found another one with their names and wedding date. Unlike their own, this one said there were 400 expected guests and the newlyweds would live in Georgia. After Kailyn and Javi explained to customer service that it was fraudulent, the store agreed to take it down.

Although it would be insane for someone else to try the same stunt again, we do warn anyone who wants to send Kailyn a wedding gift to think twice before placing an order. Kailyn and Javi’s real registry is filled with practical, moderately priced items — not the pricey gifts the imitator was supposedly requesting. (As for comments that Kailyn should have kept her registry private in the first place, Bed, Bath & Beyond don’t have that option. Anyone who registers with them is included on the store’s publicly searchable database.)

On top of the registry drama, Kailyn’s actual nuptial plans recently hit another snag. She had planned on flying in Teen Mom 2 BFF Chelsea Houska and friend Landon Blows to style her hair for the big day, but MTV apparently axed that request.

Kailyn and Chelsea Teen Mom 2
“MTV said you and Chelsea can’t do it because you’re main people on the show,” Kailyn tweeted to Landon after mentioning she was still looking for a hairstylist. He responded by saying Chelsea broke the news to him earlier in the day.

When Kailyn first mentioned Chelsea was going to do her hair for the affair, Chelsea said she would be at the ceremony regardless… Hopefully MTV didn’t ban that, too! Although Kailyn’s more recent tweet about it being a “big fat MTV reunion” makes it sound like her co-stars will be permitted to attend. It also sounds like we’ll have an exciting fifth season episode of Teen Mom 2 to anticipate!

Besides those few bumps, Kailyn and Javi’s plans for a waterfront wedding on September 21 seem to be coming along splendidly. That’s particularly fortunate, considering they have things beyond the ceremony to worry about: They recently bought a house and are preparing for the birth of their first baby together.

We wish Kailyn and Javi the best of luck in these last few weeks before the wedding… Now, be sure to share some post-ceremony pictures so we can all know it went well!

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