TEEN MOM 2 PEEKS Doctors want to test Aleeah for MD, Jo talks custody with Vee


It’s time once again for some Teen Mom 2 peekage!

We’ve got Chelsea Houska getting gifted with an inflatable man toy, Jo Rivera and Vee Torres discussing the custody arrangement he has with Kail Lowry, and Leah Messer having a difficult conversation about medical testing for daughter Aleeah.


Leah calls up her friend Kylie on the phone and reveals that the doctors in Columbus want her to bring in daughter Aleeah to be screened for muscular dystrophy. Kylie asks if Aleeah’s been tested for this before and Leah reveals that she and Corey Simms were mistaken in thinking that she had.


Jo and Vee have a little chat about Jo having son Isaac more frequently. She asks him if he thinks he should request a 50/50 custody but he seems good with the current arrangement. “I’m content with the way things are going. I see him all the time now, I can go and see him whenever I want,” Jo explains.

When Jo asks why he needs a new arrangement in writing Vee says, “Because you never know… Things could be good now. You think it could be like that forever… She changes randomly.”


Chelsea’s friends Britnee and Tiffany gift Momma Houska with a big inflatable Di*k. When Britnee puts her mouth on Di*k and starts blowing, Chelsea decides that it’s probably a good idea to finish the job when daughter Aubree isn’t around.

We apologize to the good doctor Randy Houska for those lame jokes 😉


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