Tasty Peeps: Indifferent high school kid

We’re introducing a new category for some of the unsung heroes of the blogosphere called “Tasty Peeps.”  TP will not be for wiping your backside but instead will be a place to acknowledge the wonderfully random people that manage to pop up on the pop culture landscape.

Our honorary first Tasty Peep is the above “indifferent high school kid.”  Kid was interviewed by a local station after Kid Rock showed up as a surprise guest at his high school.  In the following video a disturbingly sleek promoter looking guy introduces Kid Rock to a gymnasium full of stoked teenagers but our IHSK was having nothing of it.

When indifferent high school kid was asked about the surprise he stated:

“When they said we had a special guest I thought, everyone was saying Justin Bieber but I had a feeling it was gonna be Kid Rock {sigh}”

Indifferent high school kid delivered a perfectly deadpan comment.  He was like, “Bieber, Kid Rock, whatever, can I go home now?”  The school our tasty peep attends is Romeo High School in the Detroit metropolitan area.  He was all over the fact it would be a homer like native Kid Rock.  I can see IHSK texting his boys, “after Kid Rock tells us not to hang out with idiots lets go hang out.”

Kid Rock did tell the students not to hang with idiots and knuckleheads and encouraged Romeo to rock on.  Rock also donated $5,000 to the school’s performing arts program and then chilled with the music department students for an hour discussing the life of a professional musician.

I’m with Kid Rock when I say, “Rock on indifferent about Kid Rock high school kid!”

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