
PHOTO Tiger Woods sighting!

Radar Online has the first picture of golfer Tiger Woods to surface since the day after Thanksgiving when he smashed his SUV into a tree and a whole bunch of mistresses fell out! It’s a blurry photo taken of Tiger at a sexual addiction clinic in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. The golfer is seen in shorts and a tee shirt with a hat and a hoodie sweatshirt over his head. He appears to be drinking a large cup of Cheaterade.

The prize goes to The National Enquirer, who were the ones who broke the first Tiger Woods mistress story with their expose on Rachel Uchitel. The latest issue of the magazine has multiple Tiger photos and an article detailing his day-to-day life after enrolling in the Gentle Path program, part of Pine Grove Behavioral Health and Addiction Services.

But don’t think for a second we’re going to allow The National Enquirer to show us up! We have a crack team of investigative reporters as well and we have our own Tiger Woods photograph! Click to see history in the making!