
Evi Quaid has ‘psychotic episode’ at police station, PLUS photos of Evi and Randy!

This Evi and Randy Quaid arrest story looks to be chock full of flammable craziness! The couple was arrested yesterday for allegedly skipping out on numerous hotel bills, and according to TMZ, Evi put up quite the fight. But of course it gets worse! Evi returned to the police station today: Deputy James Davis of…

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3 PHOTOS Evi Quaid and Randy Quaid Mug Shots

Here are the mugshots of actor Randy Quaid and his wife of exactly 20 years Evi Quaid, taken after their arrest today for allegedly stiffing a number of hotels for pricey bills. (Read all about the allegations HERE.) UPDATE- The Quaids have been arrested again, this time for felony residential burglary after getting caught squatting…