VIDEO Robert Plant and Jimmy Fallon form doo-wop group on The Tonight Show, are delightful
Jimmy Fallon is a man who knows how to make the most of a situation.
When the Fallon had Robert Plant–currently of the Sensational Space Shifters, formerly of a quaint little English band called Led Zeppelin–as a guest on The Tonight Show, he decided to see if Plant was up for a duet.
Using the iPad app Loopy, the pair concocted a doo-wop back beat for their agreed-upon collaboration: the 1962 Gene Chandler hit “Duke of Earl.”
Check it:
Fallon is always great about letting his enthusiasm show, but keeping it in check in deference to his guest. And Plant plays the role of addled grandpa rather well: he’s a professional musician and you know he’s not bewildered by new technology (let alone a microphone), but is able to get a lot of laughs out of the audience by pretending.
And it helps that he’s not a bad singer. Fallon has a good set of pipes, as well.
What do you think? Did the dynamic doo-wopping duo do justice to Chandler’s original? Did they make good use of Loopy? Could your kids sing better than that?