RHOBH’s Carlton Gebbia hospitalized for binge drinking during dinner party

Carlton Gebbia - Passed Out in LA

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Carlton Gebbia had one too many tequila shots while dining with friends on Wednesday night. She ended up passing out 20 minutes into her dinner party and was rushed to an area hospital.

TMZ got pictures of EMTs loading the self-described witch into an ambulance. Inside sources said Carlton was hosting a party of six women at Mastro’s Steakhouse in Beverly Hills. She began the night by “slamming tequila shots.” Within 20 minutes of their arrival, Carlton passed out cold at the table. She still appear unconscious when emergency responders loaded her stretcher into the ambulance.

Fortunately, Carlton was well enough to joke about the incident this morning…

As we’ve mentioned before, Bravo producers reportedly aren’t asking Carlton back to a second season of Housewives — because they found her too boring.

That’s bad news for the British fashion designer, who voiced desire to return: Shortly before last night’s dinner disaster, she told someone on Twitter that she would love to film a second season, but it’s out of her hands.

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