REPORT Bruce Jenner to document sex change for new TV show

Keeping Up With Bruce Jenner documentary reality show

Bruce Jenner’s reported transition into a woman is one of the most talked about topics in tabloids and on blogs over the last few weeks, but there is at least one person not talking about it at all: Bruce Jenner. That may be about to change as it is being reported Bruce will be documenting his sex change for a new television show!

The report comes from OK! whose sources are telling them “the Kardashian-Jenner patriarch will be documenting his reported transition from a man to a women on national television,” according to the site. The sources add that the TV deal is still on the down low, but Kris Jenner is reportedly still doubtful. “She refuses to believe that he will go all the way with becoming a woman,” a source tells OK! before adding, “but at this point there is nothing holding him back.”

Meanwhile, Us Weekly isn’t mentioning a brand new show, but they are reporting that Bruce’s sex change will be talked about on TV as it will be included in Keeping Up With the Kardashians Season 10. “Bruce and Kris address his changing appearance in a scene they shot together,” a source tells the magazine. “It will be a plotline.”

There has been renewed attention to Bruce’s reported transition after In Touch did a cover story titled “Bruce’s Story: My Life As a Woman” which featured a photo of Dynasty actress Stephanie Beacham with Bruce Jenner’s face Photoshopped onto it complete with lipstick and makeup. The tasteless move was reportedly not received well by the family, and it will be interesting to see if their reaction to the cover will be featured on the upcoming season of Keeping Up With the Kardashians as well.

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