REPORT Briana DeJesus joining Teen Mom 2 next season

Teen Mom 2 Briana DeJesus

Teen Mom 2 viewers might be seeing an additional familiar face next season as reliable reports indicate MTV is adding Teen Mom 3 star Briana DeJesus to the cast!

The Ashley’s Reality Roundup broke the story moments ago. “From what The Ashley hears, the show’s producers are bringing Teen Mom 3 girl Briana DeJesus to Teen Mom 2,” The Ashley reports. “In fact, The Ashley has already been tipped off by several people who have seen Briana filming with the crew.”

The Ashley stopped short of 100% confirming the report, but describes the scoop by suggesting it be filed under “Very, Very Good Report.”

The Ashley points out that the addition of Briana will mean less screen time for the other four moms: Jenelle Evans, Chelsea Houska, Leah Messer, and Kail Lowry, but I’m thinking that it might have the opposite effect. MTV is already using Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2 as a ratings crutch as they continue to come up with any reason at all to air additional content with the moms — whether it’s the new live after shows, the “Being _______” specials, Top Moments, multi-part Reunions, etc.

Based on zero actual facts and only my own personal experience checking the network, here is pie chart illustrating what I am talking about:

MTV Programming Pie Chart 2017

So, I think MTV will use the addition of Briana to extend the length of the Teen Mom 2 episodes, which might actually result in more screen time for each of the moms.

Anyways, in case you missed it, Briana is currently pregnant with her second child. She revealed in January that she will be having another girl, joining older sister Nova. She has not revealed much information publicly about the baby’s father — perhaps we will learn all about that on the show.

Teen Mom 2 Briana DeJesus Twitter

It’s not known how the original Teen Mom 2 moms are reacting to the news of Briana’s addition, although it is likely that Jenelle will not be happy given that she feuded with Briana on Twitter a couple years ago. The feud erupted after Jenelle shared a disturbing article about Briana’s then fiance Shoc, which included a photo he shared of a woman performing sexual acts with a dog. Briana came at Jenelle hard, tweeting “B**ch U don’t even have custody of UR 1st kid! U have horrible judgment urself so keep UR comments to urself.” She added, “I hate this crack head girl always tryna make money off of me.”

Jenelle later responded by tweeting, “I made fun of some TM3 chick? Uhm.. When? What’s her name again?” I’m guessing Jenelle knows her name now.

Speaking of social media, Briana has remained relatively silent online since it was first reported that she was joining the cast of Teen Mom 2, but she did share this all-emoji tweet that I think we can safely assume in in reaction to the story:

I will be curious to see if Teen Mom OG follows suit and adds another cast member as well. I think Teen Mom 3 mom Mackenzie Douthit has the most drama potential, but we loudly and proudly cast our vote for Katie Yeager!

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