Portland grandma lives on in Google street view photo

Portland Google grandma Alice

Dustin Moore’s grandmother Alice passed away last year but thanks to a discovery from his little brother via Google street view, he now has a touching memory of her.

Dustin’s younger brother likes to search Google Maps street view in his spare time and was blown away when he came across the above image that shows the brothers’ late grandmother sitting on the front porch of her Portland, Oregon house reading the newspaper. He shared it immediately with Dustin who later shared his story via Reddit.

What surprised me, was that Google captured one of the last few pictures of my grandma, because she passed away less than a year after that picture was taken. I thought it was such an uplifting and awesome picture because it showed just how laid back and awesome she was. Might not mean much to anyone else, I just thought I would share.

Moore received a lot of positive feed back about the photo including some people who recognized Alice whom he called “everyone’s grandma.” He told local news station KATU, “All of a sudden there was a bunch of comments like, ‘Oh, I recognize that. Your grandma’s awesome. I didn’t really expect people to respond in that way – in the same way that I did.”

Dustin and his brother know that Google will eventually update the image, but that shouldn’t happen for a few years. “I made the joke with my brother. I was like, ‘Well, grandma’s gone, but she still somehow lives on in Google and is watching over us,” he said.

Photo: Reddit

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