PHOTOS VIDEOS Mossberg’s line of Duck Dynasty guns includes shotguns, semiautomatic rifle and pistol

Duck Dynasty guns by Mossberg

Now that Phil Robertson is officially back in the Duck Dynasty fold the family is getting back to what they do second best (behind entertaining millions): merchandising! In addition to t-shirts, bobble heads, duck calls, Christmas CDs, prom dresses and Chia pets, fans of the popular A&E show can soon own their own Duck Dynasty firearms! Robertson family business Duck Commander has teamed up with Connecticut-based gun manufacturer Mossberg for a line of camouflaged weaponry that includes nine different types of shotguns, two rifles (one semiautomatic) and a semiautomatic pistol.

The Robertson boys showed off some of the weapons of mass de-ducktion in a series of video promos narrated by Phil Robertson. The video is the same in each, but Phil’s narrations change. In one he talks about the first time he went duck hunting when he was eleven years old. After remarking that he has been chasing ducks ever since that moment, Phil adds, “Where there’s design, there is a designer. We were designed to kill ducks.”

In another promo, included below, Phil recites a slightly altered version of the famous line from the Declaration of Independence. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, and they’ve been endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,” Phil says. “Those are rights that no government can take from you: to live, be free, and pursue happiness. You know what makes me happy ladies and gentlemen? To blow a mallard drake’s head smooth off.”

Another narration has Phil talking about the Grand Passage. “Observe the grand passage,” he says. “The Grand Passage — it comes, and then they go back. Most humans are totally unaware, or they’re oblivious to it. It’s happening right above their head, but they never look up to see it. They miss a lot. They miss a lot.”

In the last clip, Phil encourages viewers to “Come home with us. Let’s go back to our roots. The blue wings are on the move. The Grand Passage has begun. Brush your blinds, grab your gun. Let’s go kill some ducks, boys!” He then recites the Mossberg slogan with a little add-on at the end. “Mossberg. Built rugged. Proudly American. Just like us.”

Duck Dynasty semiautomatic Mossberg rifle

As you can tell from the clip, the guns feature a “waterfowl pattern” camouflage design and will feature the famous Duck Commander logo as well as the words “Faith. Family. Ducks.” stamped in the metal.

As mentioned above, in addition to the nine models of shotguns the weaponry line also includes two rifles and a pistol. According to CNN, “The pistol and one of the rifles have military-style designs with large capacity magazines holding at least 25 rounds. The rifle has some of the features of an assault rifle, but with a relatively low .22 caliber.”

Mossberg has pointed out that not all of the guns are intended for duck hunting, adding that its .22-caliber pistol is “perfect for small game, plinking, target shooting — or clearing cottonmouths out of your duck blind.”

Phil Robertson Mossberg pistol

All of the firearms come with an American flag bandana like the one often worn by show star Willie Robertson. (I think I would prefer a blue tea cup, but oh well.)

A Mossberg representative showed off three of the models, including the rimfire pistol, in a sneak peek video for Davidson’s Gallery of Guns back in early November:

At the time of this post the Mossberg website was not loading due to high traffic, so I’m guessing these guns are going to be a HUGE hit, just like pretty much everything else the Robertson family does!

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