PHOTOS Teen Mom 2 Jenelle Evans is McFrumpy chic in sweat pants and furry slippers

Teen Mom 2 Jenelle Evans

Even reality star drama queens have to take a break now and then, and that’s exactly what it appears Teen Mom 2‘s Jenelle Evans did last Sunday when she made a McDonald’s run and visited a friend in sweat pants and furry slippers.

UPDATE! See the Jenelle Evans McDonald’s run inspired animated gif!

The 19-year-old Oak Island, North Carolina resident has been a lightning rod for controversy after her appearances on MTV’s 16 and Pregnant and their Teen Mom follow-up, Teen Mom 2 in which the foul-mouthed firecracker wrestles with being a mother while at the same time still wanting to be a teenage party girl.

The drama not only plays out onscreen but also online, in the tabloids, and in the courts as Jenelle seems incapable of “toning things down.” The result has been the loss of custody of her son to her mother Barbara, an arrest, a feud with a former best friend who revealed that Jenelle has been lying about the identity of the father of her child and numerous other dramatically negative things.

Teen Mom 2 Jenelle Evans returns from a trip to McDonald's in sweat pants and slippers

Normally I wouldn’t say that a trip to McDonald’s is a healthy thing, but in Jenelle’s case a peaceful Sunday afternoon spent munching on some fries and slurping on a Coke may be just what the doctor ordered!

Photos: Butterworth/Splash News

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