PHOTOS Lady Gaga’s ridiculous look at the ACE Awards leads to death of a photographer?

Lady Gaga is veiled and covered in ash at the 2009 ACE Awards

Lady Gaga was at the ACE awards to receive the Stylemaker Award and she wore a typically absurd outfit to the affair. Lady G’s latest surreal fashion statement consisted of a dark top with white bottoms and fishnet stockings, all dusted in a white powder. On her feet were bizarre high-heeled platform shoes with heels made of spheres (see photo below) and adorning her head was a huge cotton-looking afro restrained in the front by a massive black laced veil/bag that also covered her face. You know, there’s no sense trying to describe this get-up! Just look at the photos and you’ll see for yourself.

NOTE – There are a couple sources on the internet reporting that Lady Gaga’s appearance lead to the death of a photographer that was taking pictures on a ladder. Fame Pictures says, “GaGa’s arrival made a photographer at the event pass out while standing on a ladder causing him to fall to his death. This was an accident but still a shock to the world of the photographers.” And there was this report from OK Magazine:

“She’s not talking to anyone,” a handler says. “They tried to tackle her outside.”

I grab coconut and strawberry-infused Godiva candies, and step outside where a scene of mayhem is taking place. A photographer lays on the sidewalk, his face ashen, with medical help surrounding him. A photographer I recognize tells me, “A.J. is not breathing.”

The author later updates the story:

UPDATE: According to a fellow photographer who is on the scene when the accident happens, the gang is packing up and ready to leave when he falls and hits his head on the concrete. The photographer says he had prior medical issues, and Lady Gaga is already inside.

So perhaps it wasn’t Gaga after all! Either way, I feel I should warn you that these photos are extremely shocking to those with a conventional fashion aesthetic, so don’t look too closely if you’re on a ladder or piloting a jet plane!

ACE Awards arrival Lady Gaga

I’m usually a big fan of Lagy Gaga’s fashion adventures, but I have to “chalk” this one up as a disappointing failure and it’s all because of the bottom half of the ensemble. Not only is it a bit baggy in the front, but the singer’s normally appealing Lady Gadonkadonk looks like the south end of a north bound Joan Rivers. Just look at this:

At the ACE Awards Lady Gaga looked better coming than she did going

I’m not being unfairly critical of the woman’s attributes, it’s only that them thangs just don’t fit right! The trunk isn’t doing a good job containing the junk!

Sad, sad, sad. Oh, and I think she could have chosen a better bra to wear on the outside of her shirt. (Believe me, this is all coming from someone who hardly ever complains about LG’s over-the-top fashion choices!) I’m not worried though. I know Lady G will be back in a couple days wearing a coat made of Pepto Bismol bottles with chest plate armor underneath and exposed legs covered only in matching hot pink fishnets – or something to that effect – and she’ll look goooooood!

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