2010 MTV VMA white carpet PHOTOS: Lady Gaga in red and gold Alexander McQueen from Vanity Fair shoot

Lady Gaga’s first outfit of the evening at the VMAs was something she’s worn before! Scandal!

She graced the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards white carpet in the same breathtaking red and gold Alexander McQueen outfit she posed in for her September Vanity Fair photo-shoot. It was from the last collection he put together before he committed suicide this February.  She’s also wearing the same crown from the shoot, a feathery thing by Angels Fancy Dress.

Here is a gallery of super-sized images of Gaga in the gown – click the thumbnails for larger sized images in the gallery:

She won two VMAs before she stepped in the door: Best Collaboration and Best Dance Video. She also picked up the first award of the ceremony while wearing this Alexander McQueen, Best Female Artist Video for “Bad Romance,” a video that heavily featured McQueen clothes.

She was escorted to the event by gay soldiers who were discharged because of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

Here’s Lady Gaga’s pic from the Vanity Fair shoot:

Another great shot of this dreamy, gauzy gown:

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