PHOTOS Kyle Richards and daughter Portia Umansky at a bake sale for Children’s Hospital

Kyle Richards and daughter Portia Umansky at Alexia Umansky's charity bake sale

15-year-old Alexia Umansky must have known she had an unfair advantage when she organized a bake sale in downtown Beverly Hills to raise money for The Children’s Hospital this weekend. After all, she could just call on her mom Kyle Richards, star of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, to make a guest appearance.

Ahhhh, but that wasn’t enough for this charitable entrepreneur because not only did she get mom to show up, she also enlisted the assistance of the family’s irresistible secret weapon, the A-bomb of adorable… her little sister Portia!

Portia Umansky helps her sister Alexia Umansky out at a charity bake sale

Portia Umansky stole the show as she converted “Awwwwwwws” into cash for a great cause! But Portia’s sweetness was just extra confection to go along with cookies, brownies, cupcakes, cake, candy apples, and more – all prepared by the Umansky/Richards fam.

Needless to say, Kyle Richards was quite proud of her girls and tweeted about the event several times:

Kyle Richards tweets about her daughter Alexia Umansky's charity bake sale

Working the bake sale was a little tougher than you might expect for Kyle, who was in the midst of fasting for Yom Kippur!

Ktle Richards tweets about fasting for Yom Kippur during her daughter's cahrity bake sale

At some point during the day, proving that no good deed goes unpunished, a meter man wrote a parking ticket for Kyle’s car, which was parked in front of the bake sale:

And just in case you thought the Richards/Umansky daughter attack was merely two-pronged, sister Sophia got in on the action as well with a bit of sarcastic salesmanship reminiscent of her very outspoken mom:

As if this great endeavor wasn’t enough to earn a family of the year award, the girls’ dad (and from what the girls tell me, a mighty tasty muffin himself!) Mauricio Umansky received the Latin Business Association business of the year award later the same night! Here is the successful businessman (and even more successful father!) with his charitable bake maven daughter Alexia Umansky from the awards ceremony:

Kyle Richards' husband Mauricio Umansky with daughter Alexia Umansky

I’ve got a charity idea for you Alexia – you should raffle off the chance to be your sibling for a day! I know I’d buy a ticket 🙂

Althoguh the bake sale was a big success, I think you may have missed out on a few opportunities to better maximize the earning potential:

• Should have enlisted your pop’s help to rake in extra $$$ from the ladies and gay men.

• Should have called your cousin Paris Hilton! That gal knows how to market! (It’s possible you did call her but she was tied up with her biggest fan.)

• Should have had Portia wear her tutu swimsuit!!!!

Kyle Richards' daughter Portia Umansky's yellow tutu swimsuit from RHOBH

While Alexia ponders over my multi-billion dollar raffle idea and some of her potential missed opportunities, lets take a look at a few more photos of Kyle and Portia helping Alexia make the world a better place one muffin at a time:

Kyle Ricahrds and Portia Umansky arrive at Alexia Umansky's charity bake sale in Beverly Hills

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Kyle Richards and daughter Portia Umansky

Portia Umansky with mom Kyle Richards from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Portia Umansky eats some yogurt while helping out at her sister Alexia's charity bake sale

***In that last photo it may appear as though Portia is “eating” into the profits, but she’s actually just taking a lunch break and chowing down on some yogurt to regain her selling energy!

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