PHOTOS Katy Perry, Matt Damon, Val Kilmer filming for SNL

Saturday Night Live Matt Damon Katy Perry

That is a photo of Katy Perry, a homeless looking Matt Damon and the back of Val Kilmer’s head filming a piece for this week’s Saturday Night Live. I’m not sure what else I can say other than it sure is randomly awesome!

Katy is trading in her musical guest role on Saturday Night Live for the official host tag this week and she’s super stoked about it. She took to her Twitter account and made a little joke about her SNL promotion:

During a previous appearance Katy made quite a boobie bouncin’ splash when she poked fun at her ban from Sesame Street after folks complained about her revealing cleavage. I know it was a moment of live television I’ll never forget and I’d be amiss if I didn’t include it here right!?!

Talk about your Teenage Dreams! Anywho, I have no idea what Matt Damon is doing with the long hair etc so I guess we’ll have to wait until Saturday night to find out. Hey homeless Damon, gimme my pizza pie back!

Matt Damon Katy Perry Saturday Night live

That’s quite a bit of star power going on in this here skit. There is a little bit of a reveal when we see Damon and Perry smiling with some cooked food and a bag of Depends. I’ve tried to piece together what the hook is for this from the pieces but I got no idea.

Depends Matt Damon Katy Perry and Depends SNL

And just to prove that is the back of Val Kilmer’s dome, here is one more parting shot of everybody together. Oh yeah, that’s SNL regular Andy Samberg in all these pics.

Val Kilmer Matt Damon and Katy Perry on SNL

Photos: PPNY / GSNY / Splash News

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