PHOTOS American Hoggers’ horsewoman Leah Penick
When the show American Hoggers first came across my radar I was immediately drawn to Krystal Campbell and for good reason, but now that I’ve been watching my eyes turn more and more to family friend Leah Penick.
I didn’t know jack about hog hunting but thanks to Jerry and his crew I’ve come to appreciate just how important trained animals are in their line of work. Jerry, Krystal and Robert would all tell you they’re washed up without a good pack of hunting dogs. And then there’s Leah and her horses and how they help the Campbell’s maneuver through some pretty treacherous terrain.
Sometimes when I lay down at bed on a Wednesday night I dream of being a wild boar and Leah comes riding in on one of her regal horses. She catches me and wrestles me to the ground. Then she ties me up and…. Sorry about that . I will say this song is playing in the background and might as well for this post too:
According to the show’s site Leah is an accomplished horsewoman that’s participated in competitive barrel racing. They boast that her handling skills are some of the best in Texas. Just knowing that is gonna make my dreams better / worse! Her skills and horses often come in handy for the Campbells and Jerry says of Krystal that she’d make a fine addition to the family. F-I-N-E fine I’d say.
Leah Penick of American Hoggers gets her one
Hunting is a way of life for Leah and part of her family heritage. If the hunt’s terrain calls for it, she’s usually there to lend a hand and her stable of horses to get the job done.
Please feel free to click on any of the below thumbnails or the images already in this post for a closer view at one pretty Texan gal!