PHOTOS of Javi Marroquin and Kailyn Lowry’s baby son Lincoln Marshall

Javi Marroquin and Kailyn Lowry's baby son Lincoln Marshall

Four score minutes and seven hours ago (thereabouts) Teen Mom 2 star Kailyn Lowry gave birth to her and husband Javi Marroquin’s first child together, a 8 lb., 6 oz. baby boy named Lincoln Marshall Marroquin. (In case my Gettysburg address math was off, Lincoln was born at 4:28 pm.) For hours fans anxiously awaited the first photo of little Lincoln and now we have it!

Check out the photo above of Lincoln with big brother Isaac beaming from ear to ear!

UPDATE – Here’s another photo of Javi and Kailyn’s son Lincoln that just popped up online:

Photo of Kailyn Lowry's baby son Lincoln Marshall

The photo has many commenting on Lincoln’s likeness to pop Javi Marroquin, but apparently he doesn’t see it:

Javi then got a kick out of these side-by-side photos tweeted by a fan:

In addition to tons of congratulatory tweets and well-wishes, Kail and Javi have also been getting a number of comments (mostly positive) about choosing the name Lincoln. Obviously the name is in reference to one of our greatest Presidents as well as a rather rad luxury sedan, but some have openly wondered if the fact that Javi’s favorite football team, the Philadelphia Eagles, play their home games at Lincoln Financial Field may have impacted his decision making. Hmmmmm… (Sadly for me that tactic wouldn’t work. Who wants a child named FedEx?)

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