PHOTO Marshawn Lynch sends Hope Solo “Lady Beast Mode” shirt

Lady Beast


Hope Solo is, among many other things, a terrific goalkeeper. She’s the US Women’s National Team bedrock–the anchor of a stout defense that has allowed precisely one goal for the entirety of the 2015 Women’s World Cup and has allowed zero goals in 423 consecutive minutes of play. Australia got one in in the very first game of the tournament; other than that, Solo has been a veritable stone wall.

To acknowledge that, Marshawn “Beast Mode” Lynch, he of the NFL’s Seattle Seahawks and perhaps the best overall running back in the league, decided to send Solo and teammate Lori Chalupny a couple of “Lady Beast Mode” T-shirts, in order to help them stay focused for tonight’s semifinal match against world #1 Germany.

Solo tweeted out her thanks a few days ago:



Solo sent out another tweet just a couple of hours ago, as if to demonstrate that she is, indeed in full-on Lady Beast Mode:



Solo is from Washington state and played college soccer at the University of Washington, so she and Lynch both have Seattle-area ties. She’ll need all the support she can get in tonight’s match, though–Germany is the most prolific goal-scoring team in the WWC, scoring nineteen in just five matches for an astonishing 3.8 GPG average.

The US faces off against Germany at 7 PM EST tonight.


(Photo credits: Hope Solo via Twitter, Facebook)

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