Patti Stanger and Ramona Singer feud on WWHL, Twitter


Real Housewives of New York City‘s Ramona Singer may be single again, but don’t expect her to seek out fellow Bravo star Patti Stanger for dating advice.

During an appearance on Watch What Happens Live last month, Patti said she witnesses Mario pick up his alleged mistress Kasey Dexter long before Ramona filed for divorce.

“I was there that night he cheated,” the Millionaire Matchmaker star told Andy Cohen when asked is she saw warning signs in Ramona and Mario’s relationship. “Yeah, me and Jill [Zarin] in the Hamptons. I saw the whole thing go down. I kind of thought they swung a little… I was worried for Ramona. I was really worried for her because I saw shades of him, like, having this mid-life crisis going on and she doesn’t deserve that.”

This week, Ramona got her own chance to address the situation on WWHL when another caller asked her opinion on Patti’s story.

“I know what she said,” Ramona said, interrupting the viewer before the woman could finish her question. “None of it’s true. I almost wanted to call her and say like, ‘What the heck are you saying?’ But I thought, you know what, I’m not doing that. I think she’s a little bit like Jill. She likes to be relevant in the press by using other people.”

Although Patti seemed empathetic for Ramona during her WWHL appearance, she wasn’t so happy when she caught wind of the diss.

Jill seemed to support Patti’s story on Twitter, where she said of Ramona, “She was very nasty on Andy show about me tonight I heard. Not nice! I haven’t even thought of her in a year. She is still a mean girl and never grew up.” She also retweeted Patti’s message about not being a liar and added, “So true. So jealous of you Patti and very sad. You wonder why he doesn’t want her anymore?”

Ramona hasn’t responded to Patti or Jill on Twitter.

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