Miley Cyrus entered a video into an adult film festival

Miley Cyrus Tongue Tied Video

Well, you can’t say Miley Cyrus is afraid to wade into territory that is normally taboo for celebrities: The Bangerz singer is entering a short to the first NYC Porn Film Festival.

“It’s a pop take on S&M,” festival founder Simon Leahy told The New York Post of Tongue Tied. “She’s starting to become more of a contemporary artist.”

The video — directed by Quentin Jones and starring a never-nude Miley — was first released last May. At the time, producer Sarah Nicole Prickett said the allusions to cartoonish characters were nods to Miley’s Disney background.

“She’s a forever Disney kid,” she said for Nowness. “Sixty years after Walt himself collaborated with Salvador Dali, his phantasmagorical dreams of goofy innocence and erotically charged surrealism have been reanimated.”

The submission to the NYC festival is twice as long as the original. Watch the short version here, which — it probably goes without saying — isn’t safe for viewing at work.

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