Lifetime movie Double Daddy features cheating teen who gets two girls pregnant

Lifetime momvie Double Daddy

Lifetime has released details and photos from their next original movie project premiering June 6, and of course it is deliciously irresistible!

The movie is called Double Daddy and it’s all about a teen boy caught cheating by getting another girl pregnant. But that’s just the beginning! From Lifetime:

When 16 year-old Amanda (Mollee Gray, High School Musical) learns her boyfriend Connor (Cameron Palatas, Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Famous) has impregnated a new girl at school, she is shocked. Amanda soon discovers that she too is pregnant. Even though Connor is doing everything he can do to be there for both of his teen moms, this high school drama takes social backstabbing to a whole new level. Brittany Curran (Chicago Fire) also stars.

Double Daddy Mollee Gray

All I can say is… “Ermagherd!” I guess this means I’ll need to pencil in yet another Saturday night date with Lifetime.

Here are a few more promotional photos:

Double Daddy Brittany Curran Mollee Gray Cameron Palatas Lifetime Movie
^ Mollee Gray (center) gives Brittany Curran the side-eye while she is giving Cameron Palatas a serious baby making look.

Lifetime movie Double Daddy Cameron Palatas Mollee Gray
^ Mollee Gray and Cameron Palatas’ characters in happier times.

Lifetime's Double Daddy Brittany Curran Cameron Palatas hospital
^ You don’t have to know anything about this movie to know what this scene is about, courtesy of Brittany Curran’s perfect facial expression and Cameron Palatas’ similarly spot-on body language.

Lifetime Movie Double Daddy Brittany Curran
^ In perhaps my favorite Double Daddy photo, Brittany Curran seems to suggest things might get a little bit sinister! That forbidden fruit can get you into some real trouble y’all!

Double Daddy premieres Saturday, June 6 at 8/7c on Lifetime.

Photos: Lifetime/Charles Christopher

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