Kelly Hildebrandt and Kelly Hildebrandt divorce


Have you ever been bored and searched Facebook for someone with the same name? I have and actually friended the guy and it always makes me laugh whenever I see his status pop up on my feed. The lady you see above, Kelly Hildebrandt, did just that back in 2008 and came across another Kelly Hildebrandt, the gentlemen seen above.

On a whim, Kelly contacted Kelly about their shared name. They began emailing each other which turned into phone calls which turned into visits ultimately resulting in a Kelly Hildebrandt, Kelly Hildebrandt marriage in 2009.

The Kelly Hildebrandts became a viral internet darling for a few days, even appearing on Today and in People magazine. Sadly, a shared name apparently wasn’t enough as the couple announced on Miami’s NBC 6 that they’ve divorced.

Kelly (guy) said:

“She’s a Florida girl, and I’m a Texas guy. We really did come from pretty different worlds. How do they term it at the courthouse? ‘Irreconcilable differences,’ that is what I would say.We gave it our best shot.”

Kelly (guy) has since returned to his native state.

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