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Keeping Up with the Joneses…er…Kate; Jon & Kate Plus 8 Season 5, Episode 11 Recap: ‘Battleship and Barber’ Watch Online!

Kate Gosselin with sons on board the USS North Carolina

As was the case with last week’s episode, it seems that the real firefight between Jon & Kate is taking place off-screen—but maybe reality television simply hasn’t caught up with “reality” reality yet. Either way, the skirmish of the sextuplet parents is far more understated on the TLC program. Maybe the subtlety of the continued fight is lost on American audiences or we’re simply tired of the fuss, because according to US Magazine ratings continue to drop.

Despite the loss in viewers and the continued strain between the couple, you couldn’t tell it by the fun had by both parents and most of the kids in this episode. A continuation of their Bald Head Island/kitchen adventures, Jon and Kate virtually duked it out to prove who is the cooler parent—once and for all.

Jon continues to attempt to woo all the eligible female viewers with his love of sporty/outdoorsy activities, indulging his two oldest in a day at an indoor ropes course with outdoor go-cart track. Jon’s playing a double tactic here with his “cool” and “manly” dad gear of Ed Hardy merchandise. Sadly, TLC apparently doesn’t approve of Jon’s plan to ensure endorsements in case the show eventually tanks—he’s just one walking blur at this point. Either way, his bid for coolest parent didn’t seem to impress Mady, although Cara was all grins. Jon strikes out in his attempt to please both girls, but honestly, this seems like the usual reactions from these two.

Jon Gosselin takes his daughters tight rope walking

While Jon’s outing was rather predictable, Kate’s wasn’t much better in terms of being outside of her comfort zone. As usual, she upheld her gold standard—an educational AND fun field trip. Taking the little boys (Aaden, Collin, and Joel) to the U.S.S. North Carolina, she took the time to show them around the ship like a pro—making some of us wonder what kind of arsenal Kate has for backup if things get REALLY ugly with Jon. Whatever her plan for her almost-ex, it’s clear that Kate wants her boys to be the “good guys.” Joel seemed pretty concerned about the whole good guy/bad guy issue this episode while exploring the battleship. Something to do with the current family dynamics, perhaps?

The rest of the show featured a little trip with Kate and the boys to the barber for a trim. Sometimes we’re just left to marvel at the reactions of the kids to some of the people and places that usually scare the beejezus out of little tykes (the dentist, barber, etc.). I guess those appointments pale in comparison to the weirdness of having your whole life as a reality show.

Ultimately, Kate won this round of the coolest parent competition. The cincher? Ice cream. After a boy-pleasing day on a battleship and a successful trip to the barber, nothing can top a treat at the local ice cream shop. Whatever’s happened to Kate, she seems to have learned to contain herself on the show—she didn’t so much as blink when one of the boys dropped ice cream all over his shoe. Kate does in one episode what many parents try all their lives to accomplish—giving their kids a fun experience and knocking out a necessary evil (haircuts) all in one day. We’re not worthy, Kate!

~ Billie BP

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