Kanye sex tape being shopped, “co-star” is 18-year-old married Kim K look-alike

Kanye West from his sex tape

We all know the old adage, “The couple that previously films themselves having sex with other random people and then has said footage sold to be spread on the internet together stays together.” Okay so maybe that’s not exactly how it goes but it’s how Kimye rolls apparently!

What you see above is a screen grab via Radar of a sex tape being shopped of Kanye West with an unidentified woman who is said to be a dead ringer for Kim Kardashian.

The tape runs around 20 minutes and during the {ahem} action the self-identified 18-year-old woman is heard saying, “My husband and I don’t have sex anymore… that’s why I’m here!” Radar viewed the whole shebang and are verifying 100% that it is, in fact, Kanye. Also, it’s clear he’s the one who set up the camera as he gazes right at it when he turns it off.

In Kanye’s new song, “Clique,” he brags about gf Kim Kardashian’s infamous sex tape with the line, “Eat breakfast at Gucci/My girl a superstar all from a home movie.” According to an industry insider who’s seen the clip Kanye’s performance was much more impressive than Kim’s.

Okay I’ve reached my blog-threshold. Imma go throw up in my mouth a little bit.

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