MUG SHOT PHOTOS Jenelle Evans pusher Brittany Maggard arrested again

Jenelle Evans pusher Brittany Maggard mugshot

It looks like Teen Mom fight instigator Brittany Maggard is doing her best Kieffer Delp impersonation as TMZ is reporting that the Jenelle Evans pusher has been arrested again, this time for violating probation based on a previous assault case.

Teen Mom brawl Jenelle Evans pusher Brittany Maggard mug shot

As we previously reported, Maggard spilled the beans about her involvement going as far as to admit that she purposefully started the whole sad situation, that she wanted to see a fight, and that she’s overall pissed off about having all this trouble heaped on her.

All of that yapping and the actual video footage of her involvement didn’t sit to well with her probation officer so the Department of Corrections of North Carolina went on and arrested her again.  She was released this morning on $5,000 bond.

Someone needs to tell Brittany with two t’s to lawyer up!

Mug Shots:

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