Jenelle Evans admits Kieffer Delp got her hooked on heroin?

Courtland Rogers Jenelle Evans and Kieffer Delp in his green hoodie

There have been rumors that Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans has been using heroin and that her addiction to the drug was the real reason for her recent extended hospital stay. Jenelle has denied those claims repeatedly, insisting her hospital stay was because of her continued problems with ovarian cysts.

Today, the 21-year-old single mom seemed to concede her heroin problem to a certain extent by retweeting comments made by her husband Courtland Rogers, who claimed Jenelle’s ex Kieffer Delp got her addicted to the drug.

I know, I know, it’s confusing. (Keeping up with online Jenelle drama is a full time job y’all!) This latest incident can be traced back to Kieffer Delp posting a screen cap of an alleged Facebook interaction with Jenelle. In the interaction, Jenelle posts her phone number and then writes: “I need someone to talk to :'[”

Kieffer posted the image in reaction to Courtland’s allegations that he was stalking Jenelle. “So I’m staking [sic] you?? Btw give her a call,” Kieffer wrote.

That set Courtland off on an anti-Kieffer rant that went on, and on, and on, and on. During the rant, Courtlans wrote about the way Kieffer “did jenelle and got her hooked on herion u stupid duck she almost died cuz of u dumbass.”

There were two of Courtland’s tweets that Jenelle retweeted that read: “u got jenelle strung out and then bailed on her when she needed u most! And everyone thinks u are the good guy! This is sad so u need to man up and go ur separate way!! She is doing great now and I refuse to let this bring her down anymore so quit.” That would seem to be Jenelle agreeing that Kieffer got her “strung out.”

Also interesting is that Courtland prefaced his comments about Kieffer getting Jenelle strung out by writing: “it’s funny people think I am a junkie wait till thy see this next season on how u did jenelle and got her hooked on herion.” Could it be that MTV is going to actually address Jenelle’s heroin use on the show this season? I suppose we will have to tune in and find out!

Here are all of Courtland and Kieffer’s tweets reading chronologically from top to bottom:

Courtland Rogers tweets Kieffer Delp got Jenelle Evans addicted to heroin
Courtland Rogers tweets claiming Kieffe Delp got Jenelle Evans strung out on heroin
Courtland Rogers tweets about Jenelle Evans using heroin to Kieffer Delp

The seeming admission by Jenelle comes on the heels of a Youtube video featuring an audio recording of a phone conversation between Kieffer Delp’s mother Vicki Delp and Jenelle’s mother Barbara Evans in which Barbara also seems to admit Jenelle and Kieffer did heroin together.

The phone conversation is lengthy, and mostly about how Kieffer wanted to get his pipe making tools back from Jenelle (which Jenelle bought for him and Barbara says she has since pawned), but right around the 8:55 mark there’s this:

Barbara: I just spent $500 on a plane ticket to go get her away from him for what he’s done to her, sticking that needle in her arm.

Vicki: Well she made the choice to do heroin and I understand she did it with him, but that was her choice…

Barbara: He hooked her because she had the money.

Vicki: She made the choice.

Barbara: He needed easy money, and it was easy money for him to keep his habit going.

[This post originally included the audio, but the clip has since been deleted.]

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)

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