Floridian Dale Alan Lee graces world with another unforgettable mug shot

Back in 2009, Dale Alan Lee was busted for alleged aggravated battery and selling of marijuana. Dale subsequently laid his claim to the mug shot hall of fame with the above unforgettable image.

Just over a year later Dale was back at breaking the law and destroying the mug shot competition when he got popped for the alleged sale and possession of marijuana. This arrest begat the following mind-blower:

Well hells bells Dale, it looks like you got busted by the law dogs again man because a new Dale Alan Lee mug shot has surfaced. This time the alleged offense is for possession of methamphetamines.

Dale currently resides in the Land O’Lakes Detention Center. To get back out and work towards another mug Mr. Lee will need to post a $10,000 bond. He’s also waiting for a court date to be set. Well enough of the formalities… Ladies and gentlemen, Dale Alan Lee’s greatest hits part III:

In all seriousness, I hope Dale gets the help he needs so he can stay away from the police profiles.

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