First official family photos of Tori Spelling’s son Finn Davey

First official photo of Finn Davey McDermottDonna sure has grown since her days roaming the halls of West Beverly High on 90210. Tori Spelling recently welcomed her 4th child with husband Dean McDermott, son Finn Davey. These are the first official family pics of little Finn courtesy of People.

Mr. Finn didn’t make it easy on mommy as the delivery was a rough one that involved hospitalization and mandated bedrest due to placenta previa.

Via Web MD:

Placenta previa is a problem with the placenta during pregnancy. The placenta is a round, flat organ that forms during pregnancy to give the baby food and oxygen from the mother. The placenta forms on the inside wall of the uterus soon after conception.

During a normal pregnancy, the placenta is attached higher up in the uterus, away from the cervix. But in rare cases, the placenta forms low in the uterus. If this happens, it may cover all or part of the cervix. When the placenta blocks the cervix, it is called placenta previa.

The 39 year old told People, “I would rub my belly and talk to Finn. I kept telling him, ‘We’re going to be fine’ and ‘I can’t wait to hold you,’”

Via Tori’s blog she posted some super-cute pics of little Finn dressed up as a piece of sushi. Congrats again to Tori and Dean on yet another new addition.

Photos: Michael Simon/Startraks

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