Farrah Abraham moving to LA for spin-off show

Is Farrah Abraham getting her own reality show?

Former Teen Mom star Farrah Abraham has reportedly been in talks for her own reality show before, but for whatever reason, nothing ever came of it. Now, thanks mostly to the notoriety she has received after releasing her own sex tape, Farrah says she is getting more offers.

“There are a lot of meetings for a spin off show with me right now,” Farrah tells Hollywood Life, “so I just need to see what I like. I have had other leads in the past when I got out of my contract with MTV, but I haven’t found anything I agree with yet but when the time is right I’ll be OK with that.”

Farrah is currently living in Austin, Texas with her daughter Sophia, but has been spending a lot of time in Los Angeles promoting her private sex tape she never intended to release. For that reason, as well as the reality show offers, Farrah says she may be headed to Hollywood permanently sooner rather than later!

“I think for sure moving to Los Angeles is on the cards right now,” she says, “because I’ve been here every week. Its better that Sophia and I are together more instead of separate because [the distance] is getting to be a lot.”

Farrah hasn’t revealed anything about what kind of reality shows she is considering, so at this point we’ll just have to use our imaginations. Here are a few concepts mine came up with:

Breaking Farrah Abrahamish
What Would Farrah Abraham Do?
The Backdoorlorette
America’s Funniest Home Sex Tapes
Duck Fynasty (I’m not sure what that means, it just sounded right)
Are You Smarter Than A Farrah Abraham?
America’s Next Top Farrah Abraham Sex Tape Partner
The XXX Factor
Farrah Abrahamazing Race
The Readiest **atch

Most all of those suggestions might be far-fetched however, because Farrah won’t be the only member of her family participating. “Sophia will of course be in it. My daughter is part of my life; she is going to be involved,” Farrah says. Perhaps Sophia could be the bonus round star of Are You Smarter Than A Farrah Abraham?

* In case you missed it, the top photo is a slightly revised version of the Farrah Abraham spin-off reality show concept from our “The Teen Mom spin off shows that SHOULD have happened” post. At the time it was beyond my comprehension that Farrah would be willing to become a porn star.

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