Farrah Abraham explains recent DUI arrest

Teen Mom Star Farrah Abraham visits the Daily Style Boutique at the Empire Hotel in Los Angeles, California.

Farrah Abraham was arrested on Monday morning and charged with a DUI. The Teen Mom star had been tweeting since the arrest, but never actually admitted to it. Instead, she told fans that she doesn’t care about the drama and “what people believe & makeup.” Four days later, Farrah is now opening up about the arrest and explaining (or should we say denying?) most of the police report.

“It was St. Patrick’s Day and I was out with my sister. I did not plan to drink because I was sick, so I took the role of being in charge and making sure my sister and I would return home together and safely,” Farrah reveals to In Touch. “At 10 p.m., I tried to leave, and at that time, my sister was not ready to leave, so I had been sipping on drinks to pass the time.”

Around 12:30am, Farrah’s sister was ready to leave but wouldn’t walk to the car because she was hoping to leave with someone else. Farrah then decided to get the car herself and pick her sister up in front of were they had been drinking. Once she noticed that there were cops in the area, she decided to park her car voluntarily.

“When I was parked, a police officer asked me what I was doing, so I told him I was worried about my sister and I was trying to go home,” Farrah explains. “They insisted on the regular questions and asked me to get out of the car. I got out of the car, and because I was upset, I yelled.”

The police report tells a different story. Police claim that Farrah nearly hit their car before they pulled her over and was irate and fighting the arrest from the get go which led them to handcuff her and shove her in their patrol car. Then came the breathalyzer which she reportedly tried to bite before eventually blowing a 0.147 — well over the state’s 0.08 limit. Farrah, of course, has a logical explanation for that as well.

“Because I’m sick, I could not give an accurate breathalyzer test, due to coughing and shortage of breath,” she states. “I have a lawyer and all will work out with my ticket.”

Top Photo: Michael Carpenter/ WENN.com

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