Chris Brown tells the world (and Rihanna) that he’s truly, truly sorry

Chris Brown released a video lasting two minutes where he declares how sorry he is that he beat up on Rihanna last February. Although he doesn’t address the actions directly that he is so sorry about (he says he “can’t go into it now”), he does state that he grew up in a home with domestic violence and and is now seeking help to make sure he doesn’t ever do anything like that again.

The full transcript is after the jump:

“Hi, I’m Chris Brown. Since February my attorney has advised me not to speak out, even though every since the incident I wanted to publicly express my deepest regret and accept full responsibility. Although I will do some interviews and answer some questions in the future, I thought it would be best if you hear from me that I am sorry. I have tried to live my life in a way which can make those around me proud of me and until recently I think I was doing a pretty good job.

I wish I had the chance to live those few moments again, but unfortunately I can’t. I cannot go into what happened, and most importantly, I’m not gonna sit here and make any excuses. I take great pride in being able to exercise self-control, and what I did was inexcusable. I am very sad and very ashamed about what I’ve done. My mother and my spiritual teachers have taught me way better than that.

I have told Rihanna countless times and I’m telling you today that I am truly, truly sorry and that I wasn’t able to handle the situation both differently and better. I recognize that I’ve truly been blessed. I’ve been blessed with a wonderful family, wonderful friends and fans. God has been generous in giving me the ability which has brought me fame and fortune. I’ve done a lot  soul searching, and over the last several months I’ve talked with my minister and my mother. And I’ve spent a lot of time trying to understand what happened and why. I have let a lot of people down and I realize that. No one is more disappointed in me than I am.

As many of you know, I grew up in a home where there was domestic violence, and I saw first-hand what uncontrolled rage could do. I’ve sought and I am continuing to seek help to ensure that what occurred in February can never happen again. And as I sit here today, I can tell you that I will do everything in my power to make sure that it never happens again, and I promise that.

What I did is unacceptable, 100%. I can only ask and pray that you forgive me, please.
I hope that others learn from my mistake. I intend to live my life so I am truly worthy of the term role model. Thank you.”

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