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REVIEW Oscar-snubbed ‘Get Low’ starring Robert Duvall released on DVD and Blu-ray today!

I’m the last person in the world to complain about the choices of The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences as far as Oscar nominations go, but last night I was finally able to catch the film Get Low thanks to a special screening at the 2011 Macon Film Festival and I’m astonished it wasn’t considered to be one of the best 10 films of last year. Keep reading for the full review and see if I can’t convince you to order a copy today!

MOVIE REVIEW The Last Exorcism delivers, to a point

The Last Exorcism doesn’t deliver on the shock-and-awe horror promised in the trailer, but it does deliver a fresh take on “the exorcism theme” with some fantastic acting and somewhat subdued – but nonetheless entertaining – BOO! moments. For me the film was a pleasant surprise… right up until the final ten minutes. (Spoilers included, though I don’t give away the disappointing ending.)


MOVIE REVIEW: Anton Corbijn’s The American a beautiful but disappointing adaptation of A Very Private Gentleman

If you’ve read Martin Booth’s decadent novel A Very Private Gentleman, George Clooney seems like perfect casting of the dubious main character for the film adaptation The American (which opened at the #1 spot over Labor Day Weekend). Unfortunately the screenplay (by Rowan Joffe) and style fail the book’s rich potential, and Clooney loses his…

Can you guess this “Metacritic’s” tied-for-worst reviewed movie ever?
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Can you guess this “Metacritic’s” tied-for-worst reviewed movie ever?

You’re probably thinking to yourself “what is that smell?” Well folks it is one of the two worst reviewed movies of all time on Metacritic (I’ll follow up with the other one in a few days). Metacritic takes reviews, combines them, and applies a composite score based on the results. They have been around since 1999 and include films from previous years as well. So can you guess what is this tied-for-worst rated movie? A couple of hints:


A) Pauly Shore
B) Didn’t work for the BP oil spill either
C) Tenacious D

Read on to find the answer, check out footage from the train-wreck and more from Metacritic’s tied-for-worst movie EVER!