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Snake Salvation’s Pastor Jamie Coots obituary, memorial page and funeral details

As we reported yesterday, Snake Salvation star Pastor Jamie Coots died Saturday night after being bitten by a rattlesnake during a church service and later refusing medical treatment from paramedics at his Middlesboro, Kentucky home. The 42-year-old father of two will be laid to rest tomorrow. Keep reading for Pastor Coots’ obituary as well as info on where you can send donations to help his family.

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Snake Salvation star Pastor Jamie Coots dies from snake bite

Snake handling preacher, and star of National Geographic Channel’s reality series Snake Salvation, Pastor Jamie Coots has died after being bitten by a snake over the weekend. Coots reportedly suffered the snake bite Saturday night during a service at his church, Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus Name in Middlesboro, Kentucky. He died later that night in his home after refusing medical treatment.


VIDEO Little Cody Coots bitten by a cottonmouth on Snake Salvation

If you’ve seen even one episode of National Geographic Channel’s addictive reality series Snake Salvation, based on snake-handling pastors Jamie Coots and Andrew Hamblin and their congregations, then you know that these believers don’t “pick up serpents” because they believe God will keep the snakes from biting them, merely that they trust in God to save them if they are. As a result, it’s just over halfway through the first season and we’ve already had three people bitten — two of which were captured on camera! Keep reading to watch the shocking clip in which Pastor Jamie Coots’ son Little Cody is bitten by a cottonmouth while hunting for snakes in a Louisiana swamp, courtesy of some egregiously careless snake wrangling on the part of Pastor Andrew Hamblin.