You can own a vial of liquefied Farrah Abraham DNA!


Farrah Abraham may have outdone herself in her latest bid to cash in on her celebrity.

The Teen Momtrepreneur has teamed up with Celebrity Gene to offer the very essence of herself in the form of liquefied DNA. Yes: the same woman who has a rubberized likeness of her nether regions for sale is now offering up some Farrah Gene Juice. ‘Murica!

Here’s the official announcement:


I’m excited and honored to partner with Celebrity Gene who has exclusively partnered with some top icons and celebrities in the past. I would like to use this platform and DNA-based jewelry item to raise money for Operation Underground Railroad. Giving hope and knowledge can create change through DNA. When my daughter Sophia had to get a DNA test it changed her life and created a better future for her. I hope my legacy can change the world for younger generations and save them from sex trafficking for a brighter future. I’m proud to be an abolitionist, working with Celebrity Gene on this DNA project I hope will help raise funds to change the world for the better!


According to TMZ, Farrah will pocket 10% of all sales (each vial costs $99) in addition to an estimated $30,000 she received up front for the DNA sample. 50% of the proceeds will go to the charity Operation Underground Railroad.

To find out more about Operation Underground Railroad you can check out their official website here. To get your very own DNAbraham action click here.

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