AUDIO Robbie Kidd talks about Leah Calvert affair rumors


A couple of folks from the Teen Mom 2 universe made appearances on blog radio yesterday so we took a listen to see what they had to say in order to give you the highlights.

Robbie Kidd spoke with “4 Sh*ts N Giggles” while Courtland Rogers chatted up the folks with “The Real Teen Mom Talk Live.”

This post focuses on what Robbie Kidd had to say about all the craziness that exploded in wake of allegations that Leah Calvert had once again cheated with him.

Here’s the audio in full – the part featuring Robbie starts at around the 11:45 mark. And just a heads up – there is language that some may find offensive.

Kidd on the deer cam situation:

“I have no idea where the deer cam sh*t came from. I guess Jeremy’s dad said something about seeing me on his deer cam going in to Leah’s house but I’ve never been to Leah’s house.”

Kidd on living with Leah’s brother Isaac and how all of that helped churn the rumor mill:

When Robbie was asked if he lives with Leah’s brother Isaac he said that he moved out yesterday. He added that Leah hadn’t talked to her brother as far as he knew since all the rumors about recent infidelities with Robbie fired up – adding that he thinks Jeremy has told Leah he doesn’t want her talking to anyone associated with him.

Kidd says he hasn’t got paid for any interviews:

Robbie reiterated that he hasn’t been paid for anything he’s said since this latest scandal broke nor has he been paid by Leah to lie.

Kidd on how the whole thing blew up:

“Apparently he [Jeremy] came in from town working and he was at a gas station and ran into one of these buddies who told him that the rumor around town was that me and her had slept together and that I had been driving her car around.”

Robbie acknowledged that he had driven one of Leah’s “extra vehicles” that she had lent her brother after Isaac totaled his ride. Robbie borrowed that car from Leah’s brother to pick up his daughter from school. This backs up statements made by Leah’s sister Victoria.

Kidd on being linked to Leah’s alleged prescription pill addiction:

Robbie also referenced the story about how Leah’s association with him would be a bad sign in regards to her alleged prescription pill problem. Kidd said (38:30 mark) he looked the guy up, Nathan Mullins – who was identified as Robbie’s friend via In Touch, on Facebook and didn’t have any idea who the guy was.

Summing up Kidd’s take:

Robbie was adamant that he had nothing going on with Leah, that he’s too busy trying to work on his own life – and that where he comes from it’s a small town so he believes the folks who have been talking have nothing better to do.

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